[October 11th, 2023] – The Lynn Police Department hosted the Legislative Breakfast in collaboration with the Shannon Safety Committee. Included is us, Lynn Police Department, LYOSA, Lynn Parks and Recreation, Catholic Charities North, and Northshore Community College.
The Shannon Safety Initiative offers outreach, case management, youth leadership training, and job opportunities through a city-wide, inter-agency violence prevention partnership serving Lynn youth ages 14-24.
Each of the agencies provide resources and programming to help curb violence and gang activity involving Lynn youth. The partnerships allow for wide outreach, case management, as well as workforce and life development to be offered to impacted youth.
Joined by influential members of the community, each of the agencies in the Shannon CSI shared their work and impact. Our own Director of Strategic Programs, Jessica Fabain, shared that our work can mean showing different options to youth outside of what they thought possible for themselves.
To share firsthand experiences two youth guest speakers Dairis and Taylor, participants in LifeScene’s Project Success and LYOSA respectively, shared about their own journeys. Dairis spoke about how she never imagined how much she would learn or the opportunities of developing career skills.
“Coming into Project Success I thought it was going to be just like school, but we got to have interactive discussions on important topics and have experiences that showed me opportunities that I thought were never possible” Project Success participant, Dairis.
Every speaker emphasized the importance of the work being a collaborative effort not only within the Shannon Committee but partnering with influential individuals and entities of Lynn. Gratitude was expressed towards all those who joined and reiterated the commitment towards serving the youth of the Lynn’s community.