Project Success is a 16-week (during the school year) or 8-week (during the summer) paid program that provides youth, ages 14–22, with an opportunity to learn about and explore potential job and career opportunities.

Project Success
The program offers workforce development and sex education workshops, supports youth in creating career and educational goals, offers field trips to various local businesses, hosts guest presenters, engages in service learning and civic engagement projects, and provides academic support and externships. Project Success staff also bring the Making Proud Choices and VOICES curriculum to community-based organizations and schools free of charge.
Hours of Services
School Year:
Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 3–6 pm
Tuesday/Thursday from 3–5 pm
Summer Hours:
Monday/Wednesday from 9:30 am–3:30 pm
Friday from 9:30 am–12:30 pm
Language Capacity
LifeScene offices at 111 North Common St, Lynn
Program Activities
- Signal Success—career readiness
- VOICES—civic engagement
- Making Proud Choices—sexual health education
- Career exposure, cultural and educational field trips
- Guest presenters
For further information, contact Stephanie Galvin, Director of Youth Services at