In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, our Young Parent Support Program and Family Resource Center hosted events to commemorate the families and holiday times. The Young Parent Support Program participants and LifeScene team got together in Chelsea to celebrate the holiday time and take the time to meet each other. The program is home based, meaning our team goes into the homes of the parents and provide services.
Being a new and/or a young parent can mean isolation as they take on the role of being a parent. Thus, this event is meant for the moms to make connections with each other and show they are not alone in this.
The moms were able to connect and celebrate where each of them on their journey whether it was working towards educational or parenting goals.
The Family Resource Center hosted a food filled event for The Latino Women and New Mom Support Groups in the Lynn office. Each of the moms and children took photos to document this special time and are being presented with prints to commemorate the memories.
All of the moms were offered food products to take as they need. Some of the moms were presented gift cards to help with costs like groceries, during the holiday times.
These events are meant to celebrate the holiday times as well as help the families be more connected with their fellow participants, community, and the LifeScene staff.
Check out even more events we have been doing throughout the year here!